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Video Library

YouTube LogoOur YouTube channel is our storehouse of videos from others we think will be of assistance, other channels we like and our own uploaded productions.

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Recently uploaded Videos


click here to watch the Snap-in Attachment video on our Youtube channel20.08.2021 -- Keyguard Attachment Video - Snap-in Attachment

This Communicate AT video highlights the Snap-in Attachment method for holding a LAMP Words For Life Keyguard onto a Supcase Unicorn Beetle Pro. The Snap-in Attachment is very useful for cases where two halves of the case "sandwhich" your iPad and is easy to install.




YouTube Logo03.07.2014 -- iSwitch Video

This short Communicate AT video shows the compact nature of Switch and briefly walks you through the control settings on the underneath of the base. For a more in-depth look at switch access to iPad via iOS Switch Control, we recommend a viewing of Pretorian's APPLicator and AbleNet's Blue2 videos on our YouTube Channel or to download AbleNet's great "Switch Control Lost Chapter".