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PODD Keyguard for iPad

Availability: Special Order, ships 4 weeks after ordering

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Quick Overview

A Keyguard to fit the layout of the Compass PODD 15 cell AAC App for iPad. This guard is Landscape orientation only and is made to fit the most common cases being used with the iPad (there are exceptions involved). Choose and select from the options to create your PODD 15 keygaurd.

Important Information About iPad Keyguards

The price above is the starting point and will change depending on iPad model, case used, attachment method and materials.

Compass PODD 15 cell keyguard on the Communicate AT iPad. This guard has been designed to fit Griffin Survivor for iPad Air and attach with Straps (Straps not included and are purchased separately, actual keyguard shown)

More Views

  • Compass PODD 15 cell keyguard layout in contrast to show the cut. Guards are supplied in Acrylic (semi-clear or clear at 1/4"), not black, this is only an illustration. This is for PODD15 with Message Area, no case, attached by
  • PODD 15 with Message Area and circle cutouts for Otterbox Defender, attached with Straps
  • PODD 15 with Message Area for GoNow Case, attached with Straps
  • PODD 60 with NO message window for iPad without a case, attached Straps
  • Sna-in Attachment - the way to go for GoNow Case and iAdapter, useful with Griffin anf Otterbox if you're willing to break the screen guard seal on your case (warning - this may void your case warranty and not make it splash proof!)
  • Strap Attachment - great for protective cases like Griffin or Otterbox
  • Suction Cup Attachment - great when NO case or cover is being used
  • Suction Cup Attachment - great when NO case or cover is being used

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An iPad Keyguard made specifically for the PODD AAC App (in your software of choice - Grid, Snap, etc) or your iPad and case being used.

This guard is created in Landscape orientation only and has a few options depending on your iPad model, the case being used, how you'd like to attach the guard, it's thickness and the shape of the cutouts.

Often, the hardest part is to determine is how your keyguard is attached to your iPad. This will also depend upon the case, cover or cradle your intend to use.  As attachment to the iPad is very important, please follow this link to read more about the attachment options that relate to your particular iPad case and use prior to making your decision - Important Information About iPad Keyguard Attachment Communicate AT are happy to assist with this however we are not familair with all case options for iPad nor do we offer them as options. If it's not on our list, please ask although be prepared to look at other case options if the keyguard is important for AAC success using iPad.


Taking A Screen-Shot

Here's how to take that screen-shot we will need ...

Common Configurations

Your guard will be made with the following common specifications:

  • Cut for the PODD cell layout in the App you're using
  • Landscape orientation
  • Acrylic Styrene or Acrylic

Options to Choose

  • Choose between 1/8" (standard thickness but slightly opaque) or 1/4" thickness (additional cost but clear)
  • Select which iPad on which the guard is to be used
  • Select rounded-corner squares or circle cutouts
  • Select the case it will be used with - not all iPad cases are covered in our list (be prepared to compromise the case, the guards are difficult to adjust)
  • Select an attachment method and/or hardware (hardware like Straps and Suction Cups are additional cost)


As attachment to the iPad is very important, please follow this link to read more about the attachment options that relate to your particular iPad case and use prior to making your decision - Important Information About iPad Keyguard Attachment


Options Explained

This keyguard supports different designs based on user settings and preferences. Each of these affects the positioning of items on the screen, and thus the design of the keyguard itself. Your keyguard will be truly custom-designed to match every one of the choices you make for the end user.

Layout - Four standard layouts are supported, PODD 15 and PODD 60, with or without the message area at the top. Other layouts are supported as a custom layout. Provide a screen shot of the app in the configuration you wish to use. Press the home button and the power key at the same time. You'll see a flash as the screen shot is taken. Email that screen shot to Communicate AT. Note: It is not sufficient to take a photograph of the iPad with the app running. In order to make the keyguard pixel-perfect, we need an actual screen shot.

Controls/Page Back Button - When using the PODD 15 layout with the message area at the top, there's a "Controls" button in the upper right corner that is alternately used to return to the main page. If you wish to prevent the user from using that button, choose "Closed". This option is not recommended, and we charge you more to do it. When you close this button the user can get stuck on a page with no way back to the main page.

Cell Openings - By default, PODD 15 and PODD 60 cell openings are nearly-square rectangles, the same size as the icons on the screen. You can alternately select those openings to be circles if the user needs them more isolated


Snap-in Attachment Video

Best attachment method for:

  • GoNow Case
  • Supcase Unicorn Beetle
  • iAdapter
  • Speech Case

Additional Information

Manual or Instructions (PDF) No

Snap-in Attachment Video

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