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Communicate AT National Disability Insurance Agency Registration


We support the NDIS logo

Communicate AT is as a registered provider with the National Disability Insurance Agency, approved by the NDIS Quality And Safeguards Commission to provide supports in Assistive Technology and Consumables categories.


Our Registration Details

Communicate AT is registered to provide the follow supports to participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme. 

  • "Assistive Technology" in the ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY budget category (Capital supports)
  • "Assistive Technology" in the CONSUMABLES budget category (Core supports)

  • Our Provider Registration Number is 4050002199


Quick Links:


The NDIS provide limited descriptors for the assistive technologies Communicate AT supplies so if you are in the planning stage and are finding it difficult with your planner or therapist to find the names or the technologies you're after or would like to discuss them in more detail, please feel free to contact us directly for assistance. 

Call Communicate AT on 02 9971 0409 for support with your Assistive Technology planning if required, we're happy to help if you have questions about the technology.

Email: support(at) - {please substitute @ for (at) }

an image for two stylised people holding green quotation marks - click here to read how to create quotes on our website

Feel free also to use the Search Box at the top of our website to see if you can find information about your products online.


You can use our website to generate an online quote to assist with planning, follow this link to learn how.  If you need something more detailed, we're happy to assist so please contact us as per above.

Please do not pass on Quotations to your Plan-Managers for payment as this WILL cause delays with supplying your order, especially web-generated quotes that are anonymous and only collect product, pricing and dating information. If and when you are ready to order using your NDIS funds, we're ready too however there are steps that must be taken to ensure it all goes smoothly especially in the delivery process. 


How To Order with Communicate AT Through Your NDIS Plan

If you have Assistive Technology identified in your NDIS Plan, then we can help with that supply.

There are three methods of ordering your assistive technology with Communicate AT using your NDIS Plan and each one will depend on how the equipment funds are being proportioned in your Plan.

This may be for the entire Plan or for the specific part of your Plan that deals with the AT purchase, however Communicate AT is not privy to any participant's NDIS plan so we will need guidance and instructions from you as to how it will work.


A student at their computer

The three methods are as follows:

    1. Self-Managed Plans

      Where YOU are dealing with the finances and ordering of your AT purchase.  This covers either the entire plan or the budget category where the funds for your AT is allocated.

      For Self-Managed orders, you simply call or email us or use our website to order your equipment, whatever is most convenient for you. This is the simplest of the methods however there is a minimum amount of information we need from you, being:

      • Full Name of the participant
      • Address of the participant
      • Delivery address (which may be the same as above or different e.g. to your therapist for setup)
      • Email and mobile phone for delivery so parcel tracking can be sent

    2. Plan-Managed Plans

      Where a THIRD-PARTY is assisting you with the finances of your AT purchase. Again, this covers either the entire plan or the budget category where the funds for your AT is allocated.

      For Plan-Managed orders, someone will need to contact Communicate AT and order the equipment. This may be your therapy team, your support coordinator, your Plan-Manager or yourself. Again, Communicate AT are not privy to when supports are approved, we react and get orders moving when instructed as we are not involved in the approval process other than supplying quotes at the beginning. This is a simple process too however we still require a minimum amount of information to process an order, being:

      • Full Name of the participant
      • Participant NDIS#
      • Address of the participant
      • Delivery address (which may be the same as above or different e.g. to your therapist for setup)
      • Email and mobile phone for delivery so parcel tracking can be sent
      • Name of the Plan Manager business and the contact person there
      • Email address and phone number of the Plan Manager

    3. Agency-Managed Plans

      Where the NDIA is managing the funds and a booking in the Provider Portal is required. This booking happens either at the time of approval or can happen at a point shortly afterwards.
      A wheelchair mount can be funded under the NDIS
      Communicate AT can create these portal bookings for you if required however, we must reiterate that we are not privy to participant's plans nor approval processes so will need to collect more information than in Self-Managed or Plan-Managed orders to create such bookings.

      We are also not generally informed by NDIS when a booking is made in the portal linking us with a participant. We check the portal weekly however it is a rare event that NDIS contacts Communicate AT to alert us of that happening and often we stumble upon it and have to complete the picture from very little information.

      Again, to ensure promptness of processing your order, as soon as you're aware of approval given by NDIA to proceed with your AT purchase, alert us straight away so when can get on with making sure a booking is in place which is the key to locking in the order. 


Communicate AT NDIS Order Form and Service Agreement

To assist with the collating and collecting all the relevant information provide for each of the the three methods above, we have created our NDIS Order Form.

In NDIS parlance, this also acts as the "Service Agreement" however as Communicate AT do not offer "services" under our NDIA registration, it could be considered that each and every "order" with us from you is it's own "Service Agreement". So we've called it our NDIS Order Form, as that more accurately describes the purpose of the document.

Feel free to download our NDIS Order Form, complete it for the NDIS method by which your plan is being managed and return it to us via email - orders(at) - {please substitute @ for "(at)" }


 Download our NDIS Order Form and Service Agreement

 Click here to download the Communicate AT NDIS Order Form and Service Agreement 



How To Contact The National Disability Insurance Agency about the NDIS


Call the NDIS/NDIA on 1800 800 110


If you require a translator or help, please contact The National Disability Insurance Agency by:

  • Phone - 1800 800 110
  • If you are a TTY user - phone 1800 555 677 then ask for 1800 800 110
  • If you are a Speak and Listen (speech-to-speech relay) user - phone 1800 555 727 then ask for 1800 800 110
  • If you are an internet relay user - visit the National Relay Service website and ask for 1800 800 110

Visit the NDIS website for further information on the scheme as well.