An iPad Keyguard for the Touch Chat AAC App - choose which layout is yours.
Available in either Landscape or Portrait orientation. The cells can also be cut as rectangles or circles. Circle openings create a stronger keyguard as there's more acrylic supporting the holes. Circles however are smaller openings.
App Settings and Options
This keyguard supports different designs based on user settings and preferences. Each of these affects the positioning of items on the screen, and thus the design of the keyguard itself. Your Lasered Pics keyguard will be truly custom-designed to match every one of the choices you make for the end user.
Status Bar
In the Page Size section, near the top of the Settings screen. You'll only have this option in TouchChat version 2.10.3 or later. If you have an earlier version, answer "Off".
Keyguard Inset
In the Page Size section, near the top of the Settings screen. Your version of the app may not have this setting, like when running on an older iPad. In that case only, answer "No", and the rest of this paragraph no longer applies. When on, this setting causes extra whitespace at the top and bottom of the screen. It was designed for use with the ChatWrap keyguards, but it also makes the keyguard stronger if you have a case that exposes only the viewable part of the screen. For those cases, such as the AMDI iAdapter, GoNow Rugged, Griffin Survivor, Otterbox Defender, or any of the rigid foam cases with little room above and below, we recommend turning Keyguard Inset on. Failure to provide enough room means we will have to put a vertical reinforcing bar (or two) in the middle of the speech display.
Speech Display
The first setting in the Speech Display Bar section. Select "Open (Visible)" if you want to show the text and/or icons at the top of the screen as the user types. Don't be confused by the double-negative in the setting name. Hide Speech Display off means it's open! The following three settings, also found in the Speech Display Bar section, only apply if the speech display is open.
- Show Icons - If this setting is on, icons will be displayed above the text in the speech display. Note: If the number of lines (below) is greater than 1, the Show Icons setting goes away.
- Font Size - Choose whatever you have for this setting. If you specify a font size other than what you have in the settings, the keyguard won't fit.
- Number of Lines - Select how many lines of text you want the user to be able to type in a single "sentence".
Show Icons
If this setting is on, icons will be displayed above the text in the speech display. Note: If the number of lines (below) is greater than 1, the Show Icons setting goes away.
Number of Lines
Select how many lines of text you want the user to be able to type in a single "sentence".
Button Margin
This is the last setting in the Buttons section. Button Margin controls the size of the space between the cells.
If you make the button margin smaller than what we recommend, the keyguard will cover the edges of the cells. That is not serious with a clear keyguard, but why not give the user an unobstructed view of the entire cell?
The larger the button margin, the more space between the cell openings, and the stronger the keyguard, too.
How the Button Margin works has changed several times in the app.
- If your TouchChat version is less than 2.17.0, choose "None".
- For app version 2.19 - 2.25, we recommend a button margin of 25 or more so the keyguard can be designed to exactly match your screen.
- For apps versions 2.26 or greater, we recommend a button margin of 15 or more for the sdame reason as above
Be sure to try the Button Margin setting on your iPad before ordering, so you are not surprised by what it does!
Please note - As of TouchChat version 2.26, the screen lays out differently with a Button Margin of 1 or more. This means keyguards made with a button margin prior to version 2.26 will no longer fit exactly.
If you have an existing keyguard, do not update to version 2.26!
If you are running version 2.26 on an older keyguard, cut your Button Margin setting in half. That will make the openings about the size you originally ordered, but the alignment of the openings may still be a little off.
The problem is less noticeable with a few cells like a MultiChat 15, and more noticeable once you get a large number of cells like a WordPower 80
Openings for Menu and Vocab buttons
This is not a TouchChat setting. Just indicate if you want openings over these two buttons in the green bar, Vocab, Menu, Neither or Both. If they're not open, you will not be able to use them without removing the keyguard or rotating the iPad.
Swipe to Home
Newer iPads don't have a home button for returning to the home screen, so they require the user to swipe up from the bottom edge of the screen to return to home. If the user doesn't need access to the home screen, or if you're using a virtual home button, you can leave this closed for a much stronger and more esthetic keyguard. If the user will need to swipe to return to the home screen, you can open this, but note that this leaves an ugly notch in the bottom edge of the keyguard. The keyguard will be much weaker, and it may allow access to items on the bottom of the screen that would otherwise be unaccessible.
Special Instructions
Use this field to communicate any other information we need to know about the keyguard. For example, if you've specified "Other" for an unlisted case, you can give us a link to the case online. On large orders, you can add the student's ID to help keep the keyguards straight (nothing will be added to the keyguard, only the documentation).
Attachment Methods
The case dictates how your keyguard will be held on your iPad. For more information, follow this link and choose your attachment method for the case you have.
Additional Information
SKU | LP-TCV-1051 |
Manual or Instructions (PDF) | No |
Video | No |
GST Classification | GST Free |