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All About Alternative Access


How To Measure an iPad Case Screen Opening 

December, 2022 -- To make sure your keyguard wil fit into your case, we may need to know a little bit more about the physical setup of the case you have, especially if it's a non-OEM case from online stores. Here's how that can be done. 

Read more about how to measure a case opening ...

How To Take A Screen-Shot On Your iPad 

September, 2021 -- When ordering a keyguard layout that requests a Screen-Shot, you will need to provide us with a file which is used to help design it. Since keyguards are made to be pixel-perfect, it is not sufficient to take a picture of the iPad with the app running on it. A Screen-Shot is what is needed as it gives us the exact location of every pixel on the screen.  Here's how that can be done. 

Read more about how to take a screen-shot on iPad ...


AbleNet's Switch Control Guide to iOS10 - The Lost Chapter

July, 2017 -- iOS 10 for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch includes an overwhelming amount of accessibility features integrated into the operating system and is by far the most accessible operating system for individuals with disabilities. Switch Control has been around since iOS7 (see Ablenet's original AbleNet's Switch Control Guide - The Lost Chapter for what was included by Apple at the time). Since then, Apple have improved Switch Control and Accessibility in iOS, here's the lates "Lost Chapter" from AbleNet.

Read more about iOS 10 Accessibility Switch Control - The Missing User Guide ...


iAdapter from AMDi ...  click here to read more about how to attach a keyguard to an iAdapterPart Two - iPad Keyguards: Attachment Methods for Specific Cases

July, 2017 -- Reproduced with permission from Lasered Pics - When it comes to keyguards for AAC Apps, the case you use with your iPad is more important than you think, especially when it comes to specifying how your keyguard is atatched. In this part, we'll address the specifics of the most popular cases pertaining to the attachment of keyguards.  Be sure to check here before ordering your next case to be used with a keyguard!

Continue to Part Two of a two-part article regarding iPad keyguards, cases and attachment methods ...


an iPad keyguard for PODD 15 in place, click here to read how to keep it attached to your iPad ...Part One - iPad Keyguards: General Guidelines of Case Types and Attachment Methods

May, 2017 -- Reproduced with permission from Lasered Pics - Since every Lasered Pics keyguard can be custom fit to the user’s case, we have experience with more different cases than just about anyone, and people are always asking us “Which case should I buy?”.  Well, we certainly have opinions on the good and the bad of many, many cases.

Continue to Part One of a two-part article regarding iPad keyguards, cases and attachment methods ...




Which iPad Model do you have?  Click here to see how you can find out ...Which iPad Model Do I Have?

Feb, 2015 -- We are very often asked about our technology products that can assist people in  accessing, mounting or "AAC-ifying"  their iPads.  We are asked about these A LOT. During these conversations, it's important for us to know which model iPad is being discussed and sometimes, particularly now that Apple have iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 3 in the market, that information is hard to know.

Here's a few ways help answer the question "Which iPad do you have?"


 White board options in the adapted classroom

The 21st Century Adapted Classroom

Jan, 2015 -- For over 20 years, AbleNet has been guided by the line of thinking that every student, regardless of ability, can participate, communicate, learn and show measurable progress. Creating a classroom environment that offers a variety of accessible classroom-ready solutions will provide opportunities to increase communication, social skills, problem solving skills, while building independence. 


iOS8 Accessibility Updates

Nov, 2014 -- iOS 8 is now available! We are excited about the accessibility improvements in Apple’s new operating system. Before you upgrade devices that are used by individuals with disabilities, check out AbleNet's iOS 8 upgrade checklist tab to keep informed about potential impacts.


AbleNet's Switch Control Guide - The Lost Chapter

iOS 7.x includes a powerful new accessibility feature, Switch Control. For users with significant physical disabilities, Switch Control is a much needed feature that provides access to almost every feature in iOS 7 through the use of one or multiple switches.